I18n Support
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Waline has built-in multi-language support, and you can also customize Waline's locale config.
Set Language
You can set the language used by Waline through the lang
option. The supported languages are:
- zh
- zh-CN
- zh-TW
- en
- en-US
- jp
- jp-JP
- pt-BR
- ru
- ru-RU
- fr-FR
- fr
- vi
- vi-vn
- es
- es-MX
el: '#waline',
// ...
lang: 'en',
If you want to help Waline add more language support, we welcome you to send a PR to client/config/i18n.
You can customize the language through the locales
option, or set some fields to overwrite the existing UI text.
For details, see Cookbook → Customize Locale.
The information returned by the server interface will dynamically switch the language based on the lang parameter input by the client.
You can customize the content for the corresponding language with the locales
option, see Cookbook → Customize Locale for details.
TIPS: The comment area is only for demo. If you have any questions, please go to Github Discussion to ask.