小于 1 分钟...
Waline 官方提供 @waline/api
包,以供官方客户端、第三方客户端开发者和用户调用 Waline 后端接口。
interface BaseAPIOptions {
* Waline 服务端地址
* Waline serverURL
serverURL: string;
* 错误信息所使用的语言
* Language used in error text
lang: string;
interface ErrorStatusResponse {
* 错误代码
* Error number
errno: number;
* 错误消息
* Error msg
errmsg: string;
interface GetArticleCounterOptions extends BaseAPIOptions {
* 待获取计数器的 path
* Path of counters
paths: string[];
* 待获取计数器的类型
* Counter type to be fetched
type: string[];
* 取消请求的信号
* AbortSignal to cancel request
signal?: AbortSignal;
interface CounterFields {
time?: number;
reaction0?: number;
reaction1?: number;
reaction2?: number;
reaction3?: number;
reaction4?: number;
reaction5?: number;
reaction6?: number;
reaction7?: number;
reaction8?: number;
type GetArticleCounterResponseItem = Record<string, number> & CounterFields;
type GetArticleCounterResponse = GetArticleCounterResponseItem[];
declare const getArticleCounter: ({ serverURL, lang, paths, type, signal, }: GetArticleCounterOptions) => Promise<GetArticleCounterResponse>;
interface UpdateArticleCounterOptions extends BaseAPIOptions {
* 待更新计数器的 path
* Path of counter to be updated
path: string;
* 待更新计数器的类型
* Counter type to be updated
type: string;
* 更新操作
* Update operation
* @default 'inc'
action?: 'inc' | 'desc';
declare const updateArticleCounter: ({ serverURL, lang, path, type, action, }: UpdateArticleCounterOptions) => Promise<GetArticleCounterResponse>;
type WalineCommentStatus = 'approved' | 'waiting' | 'spam';
type WalineUserType = 'administrator' | 'guest';
interface WalineCommentData {
* User Nickname
nick?: string;
* User email
mail?: string;
* User link
link?: string;
* Content of comment
comment: string;
* User Agent
ua: string;
* Comment page path
url: string;
* Parent comment id
* @description Only available when replying comment
pid?: number;
* Root comment id
* @description Only available when replying comment
rid?: number;
* User id being at
* @description Only available when replying comment
at?: string;
* Recaptcha Token
recaptchaV3?: string;
* Turnstile Token
turnstile?: string;
interface BaseWalineResponseComment {
* Comment object ID
objectId: number;
* Timestamp of the comment
time: number;
* Content of comment
comment: string;
* Original comment content
* 原始评论内容
orig: string;
* Comment like number
* 评论喜欢数
like: number;
* User Nickname
nick: string;
* User link
link: string;
* User avatar
avatar: string;
* User type
* @description Only available with logged in user
* 用户类型
* @description 仅在登录用户时可用
type?: WalineUserType;
* User ID
* @description Only available with logged in user
* 用户 ID
* @description 仅在登录用户时可用
user_id?: number;
* User location
* @description Not available with `DISABLE_REGION=true`
* 用户位置
* @description `DISABLE_REGION=true` 时不可用
addr?: string;
* User browser
* @description Not available with `DISABLE_USERAGENT=true`
* 用户浏览器
* @description `DISABLE_USERAGENT=true` 时不可用
browser?: string;
* User location
* @description Not available with `DISABLE_USERAGENT=true`
* 用户位置
* @description `DISABLE_USERAGENT=true` 时不可用
os?: string;
* User level
* @description Only available when `LEVELS` is set
* 用户等级
* @description 仅在 `LEVELS` 设置时可用
level?: number;
* User label
* 用户标签
label?: string;
* Comment status
* @description For administrators, `approved` `spam` `waiting` can be get, for others, the only value is `approved`
* 评论状态
* @description 管理员可获得 `approved`、`spam` 和 `waiting`,其他用户只能获得 `approved`
status?: WalineCommentStatus;
interface WalineChildComment extends BaseWalineResponseComment {
* Parent comment id
pid: number;
* Root comment id
rid: number;
* User id being at
at?: string;
* Reply user information
reply_user?: {
nick: string;
link: string;
avatar: string;
interface WalineRootComment extends BaseWalineResponseComment {
* Whether the comment is sticky
* 是否置顶
sticky: boolean;
* Child comments
* 子评论
children: WalineChildComment[];
type WalineComment = WalineRootComment | WalineChildComment;
interface GetCommentOptions extends BaseAPIOptions {
* 待获取评论列表的 path
* Path of comment list
path: string;
* 评论分页数
* Comment pagination number
page: number;
* 每页评论个数
* Comment number per page
pageSize: number;
* 排序方式
* Sort method
sortBy: string;
* 用户令牌
* User token
token?: string;
* 取消请求的信号
* AbortSignal to cancel request
signal?: AbortSignal;
interface GetCommentResponse {
* 评论数量
* Comment number
count: number;
* 评论分页数
* Comment pagination number
page: number;
* 每页评论个数
* Comment number per page
pageSize: number;
* 评论数据
* Comment Data
data: WalineRootComment[];
* 页面总数
* Page number
totalPages: number;
declare const getComment: ({ serverURL, lang, path, page, pageSize, sortBy, signal, token, }: GetCommentOptions) => Promise<GetCommentResponse>;
interface AddCommentOptions extends BaseAPIOptions {
* 用户令牌
* User token
token?: string;
* 用户待提交的评论数据
* Comment data being submitted by user
comment: WalineCommentData;
interface AddCommentResponse extends ErrorStatusResponse {
* 渲染好的评论数据
* Comment data rendered
data?: WalineComment;
declare const addComment: ({ serverURL, lang, token, comment, }: AddCommentOptions) => Promise<AddCommentResponse>;
interface DeleteCommentOptions extends BaseAPIOptions {
* Auth token
* 认证令牌
token: string;
* Comment objectId to be deleted
* 待删除的评论对象 ID
objectId: number;
interface DeleteCommentResponse extends ErrorStatusResponse {
data: '';
declare const deleteComment: ({ serverURL, lang, token, objectId, }: DeleteCommentOptions) => Promise<DeleteCommentResponse>;
interface UpdateWalineCommentData extends Partial<WalineCommentData> {
* 点赞还是取消点赞
* Like or dislike
like?: boolean;
* 评论的状态
* Comment status
status?: 'approved' | 'waiting' | 'spam';
* 评论指定状态
* Comment sticky status
* @description 0 means not sticky and 1 means sticky
sticky?: 0 | 1;
interface UpdateCommentOptions extends BaseAPIOptions {
* 用户令牌
* User token
token: string;
* 评论的 ID
* Comment ID
objectId: number;
* 评论数据
* Comment data
comment?: UpdateWalineCommentData;
interface UpdateCommentResponse extends ErrorStatusResponse {
* 更新后的评论数据
* Comment data rendered
data: WalineComment;
declare const updateComment: ({ serverURL, lang, token, objectId, comment, }: UpdateCommentOptions) => Promise<UpdateCommentResponse>;
interface GetCommentCountOptions extends BaseAPIOptions {
* 待获取评论数的 path
* Path of pages to be fetched
paths: string[];
* 取消请求的信号
* AbortSignal to cancel request
signal?: AbortSignal;
declare const fetchCommentCount: ({ serverURL, lang, paths, signal, }: GetCommentCountOptions) => Promise<number[]>;
interface UserInfo {
* 显示姓名
* User name displayed
display_name: string;
* 用户电子邮件地址
* User email
email: string;
* 用户网站地址
* User website
url: string;
* 用户令牌
* User token
token: string;
* 用户头像
* User avatar
avatar: string;
* 用户邮箱 MD5
* MD5 of User email
mailMd5: string;
* 用户对象 ID
* User object ID
objectId: number;
* 用户身份
* User role
type: 'administrator' | 'guest';
declare const login: ({ lang, serverURL, }: BaseAPIOptions) => Promise<UserInfo & {
remember: boolean;
interface GetPageviewOptions extends BaseAPIOptions {
* 待获取页面的 path
* Path of pages
paths: string[];
* 取消请求的信号
* AbortSignal to cancel request
signal?: AbortSignal;
declare const getPageview: ({ serverURL, lang, paths, signal, }: GetPageviewOptions) => Promise<GetArticleCounterResponse>;
interface UpdatePageviewOptions extends BaseAPIOptions {
* 待更新页面的 path
* Path of pages
path: string;
declare const updatePageview: (options: UpdatePageviewOptions) => Promise<GetArticleCounterResponse>;
interface GetRecentCommentOptions extends BaseAPIOptions {
* 获取评论的数量
* Comment number to be fetched
count: number;
* 取消请求的信号
* AbortSignal to cancel request
signal?: AbortSignal;
* 用户令牌
* User token
token?: string;
interface RecentCommentData extends BaseWalineResponseComment {
* Page url where comment locales
* 评论所在页面地址
url: string;
declare const getRecentComment: ({ serverURL, lang, count, signal, token, }: GetRecentCommentOptions) => Promise<RecentCommentData[]>;
interface GetUserListOptions extends BaseAPIOptions {
* 每页个数
* Number per page
pageSize: number;
* 取消请求的信号
* AbortSignal to cancel request
signal?: AbortSignal;
interface WalineUser extends Pick<WalineComment, 'nick' | 'link' | 'avatar' | 'label' | 'level'> {
count: number;
interface GetUserListResponse extends ErrorStatusResponse {
data: WalineUser[];
declare const getUserList: ({ serverURL, signal, pageSize, lang, }: GetUserListOptions) => Promise<WalineUser[]>;
export { addComment, deleteComment, fetchCommentCount, getArticleCounter, getComment, getPageview, getRecentComment, getUserList, login, updateArticleCounter, updateComment, updatePageview };
export type { AddCommentOptions, AddCommentResponse, BaseWalineResponseComment, CounterFields, DeleteCommentOptions, DeleteCommentResponse, GetArticleCounterOptions, GetArticleCounterResponse, GetArticleCounterResponseItem, GetCommentCountOptions, GetCommentOptions, GetCommentResponse, GetRecentCommentOptions, GetUserListOptions, GetUserListResponse, RecentCommentData, UpdateArticleCounterOptions, UpdateCommentOptions, UpdateCommentResponse, UpdatePageviewOptions, UserInfo, WalineChildComment, WalineComment, WalineCommentData, WalineCommentStatus, WalineRootComment, WalineUser, WalineUserType };
友情提示:评论区仅作评论展示,如有问题咨询请去 Github Discussion 中提问。