小于 1 分钟...
Waline 官方提供 @waline/api
包,以供官方客户端、第三方客户端开发者和用户调用 Waline 后端接口。
interface BaseAPIOptions {
* Waline 服务端地址
* Waline serverURL
serverURL: string;
* 错误信息所使用的语言
* Language used in error text
lang: string;
interface ErrorStatusResponse {
* 错误代码
* Error number
errno: number;
* 错误消息
* Error msg
errmsg: string;
interface GetArticleCounterOptions extends BaseAPIOptions {
* 待获取计数器的 path
* Path of counters
paths: string[];
* 待获取计数器的类型
* Counter type to be fetched
type: string[];
* 取消请求的信号
* AbortSignal to cancel request
signal?: AbortSignal;
interface CounterFields {
time?: number;
reaction0?: number;
reaction1?: number;
reaction2?: number;
reaction3?: number;
reaction4?: number;
reaction5?: number;
reaction6?: number;
reaction7?: number;
reaction8?: number;
type GetArticleCounterResponseItem = Record<string, number> & CounterFields;
type GetArticleCounterResponse = GetArticleCounterResponseItem[];
declare const getArticleCounter: ({ serverURL, lang, paths, type, signal, }: GetArticleCounterOptions) => Promise<GetArticleCounterResponse>;
interface UpdateArticleCounterOptions extends BaseAPIOptions {
* 待更新计数器的 path
* Path of counter to be updated
path: string;
* 待更新计数器的类型
* Counter type to be updated
type: string;
* 更新操作
* Update operation
* @default 'inc'
action?: 'inc' | 'desc';
declare const updateArticleCounter: ({ serverURL, lang, path, type, action, }: UpdateArticleCounterOptions) => Promise<GetArticleCounterResponse>;
type WalineCommentStatus = 'approved' | 'waiting' | 'spam';
type WalineUserType = 'administrator' | 'guest';
interface WalineCommentData {
* User Nickname
nick?: string;
* User email
mail?: string;
* User link
link?: string;
* Content of comment
comment: string;
* User Agent
ua: string;
* Comment page path
url: string;
* Parent comment id
* @description Only available when replying comment
pid?: number;
* Root comment id
* @description Only available when replying comment
rid?: number;
* User id being at
* @description Only available when replying comment
at?: string;
* Recaptcha Token
recaptchaV3?: string;
* Turnstile Token
turnstile?: string;
interface BaseWalineResponseComment {
* Comment object ID
objectId: number;
* Timestamp of the comment
time: number;
* Content of comment
comment: string;
* Original comment content
* 原始评论内容
orig: string;
* Comment like number
* 评论喜欢数
like: number;
* User Nickname
nick: string;
* User link
link: string;
* User avatar
avatar: string;
* User type
* @description Only available with logged in user
* 用户类型
* @description 仅在登录用户时可用
type?: WalineUserType;
* User ID
* @description Only available with logged in user
* 用户 ID
* @description 仅在登录用户时可用
user_id?: number;
* User location
* @description Not available with `DISABLE_REGION=true`
* 用户位置
* @description `DISABLE_REGION=true` 时不可用
addr?: string;
* User browser
* @description Not available with `DISABLE_USERAGENT=true`
* 用户浏览器
* @description `DISABLE_USERAGENT=true` 时不可用
browser?: string;
* User location
* @description Not available with `DISABLE_USERAGENT=true`
* 用户位置
* @description `DISABLE_USERAGENT=true` 时不可用
os?: string;
* User level
* @description Only available when `LEVELS` is set
* 用户等级
* @description 仅在 `LEVELS` 设置时可用
level?: number;
* User label
* 用户标签
label?: string;
* Comment status
* @description For administrators, `approved` `spam` `waiting` can be get, for others, the only value is `approved`
* 评论状态
* @description 管理员可获得 `approved`、`spam` 和 `waiting`,其他用户只能获得 `approved`
status?: WalineCommentStatus;
interface WalineChildComment extends BaseWalineResponseComment {
* Parent comment id
pid: number;
* Root comment id
rid: number;
* User id being at
at?: string;
* Reply user information
reply_user?: {
nick: string;
link: string;
avatar: string;
interface WalineRootComment extends BaseWalineResponseComment {
* Whether the comment is sticky
* 是否置顶
sticky: boolean;
* Child comments
* 子评论
children: WalineChildComment[];
type WalineComment = WalineRootComment | WalineChildComment;
interface GetCommentOptions extends BaseAPIOptions {
* 待获取评论列表的 path
* Path of comment list
path: string;
* 评论分页数
* Comment pagination number
page: number;
* 每页评论个数
* Comment number per page
pageSize: number;
* 排序方式
* Sort method
sortBy: string;
* 用户令牌
* User token
token?: string;
* 取消请求的信号
* AbortSignal to cancel request
signal?: AbortSignal;
interface GetCommentResponse {
* 评论数量
* Comment number
count: number;
* 评论分页数
* Comment pagination number
page: number;
* 每页评论个数
* Comment number per page
pageSize: number;
* 评论数据
* Comment Data
data: WalineRootComment[];
* 页面总数
* Page number
totalPages: number;
declare const getComment: ({ serverURL, lang, path, page, pageSize, sortBy, signal, token, }: GetCommentOptions) => Promise<GetCommentResponse>;
interface AddCommentOptions extends BaseAPIOptions {
* 用户令牌
* User token
token?: string;
* 用户待提交的评论数据
* Comment data being submitted by user
comment: WalineCommentData;
interface AddCommentResponse extends ErrorStatusResponse {
* 渲染好的评论数据
* Comment data rendered
data?: WalineComment;
declare const addComment: ({ serverURL, lang, token, comment, }: AddCommentOptions) => Promise<AddCommentResponse>;
interface DeleteCommentOptions extends BaseAPIOptions {
* Auth token
* 认证令牌
token: string;
* Comment objectId to be deleted
* 待删除的评论对象 ID
objectId: number;
interface DeleteCommentResponse extends ErrorStatusResponse {
data: '';
declare const deleteComment: ({ serverURL, lang, token, objectId, }: DeleteCommentOptions) => Promise<DeleteCommentResponse>;
interface UpdateWalineCommentData extends Partial<WalineCommentData> {
* 点赞还是取消点赞
* Like or dislike
like?: boolean;
* 评论的状态
* Comment status
status?: 'approved' | 'waiting' | 'spam';
* 评论指定状态
* Comment sticky status
* @description 0 means not sticky and 1 means sticky
sticky?: 0 | 1;
interface UpdateCommentOptions extends BaseAPIOptions {
* 用户令牌
* User token
token: string;
* 评论的 ID
* Comment ID
objectId: number;
* 评论数据
* Comment data
comment?: UpdateWalineCommentData;
interface UpdateCommentResponse extends ErrorStatusResponse {
* 更新后的评论数据
* Comment data rendered
data: WalineComment;
declare const updateComment: ({ serverURL, lang, token, objectId, comment, }: UpdateCommentOptions) => Promise<UpdateCommentResponse>;
interface GetCommentCountOptions extends BaseAPIOptions {
* 待获取评论数的 path
* Path of pages to be fetched
paths: string[];
* 取消请求的信号
* AbortSignal to cancel request
signal?: AbortSignal;
declare const fetchCommentCount: ({ serverURL, lang, paths, signal, }: GetCommentCountOptions) => Promise<number[]>;
interface UserInfo {
* 显示姓名
* User name displayed
display_name: string;
* 用户电子邮件地址
* User email
email: string;
* 用户网站地址
* User website
url: string;
* 用户令牌
* User token
token: string;
* 用户头像
* User avatar
avatar: string;
* 用户邮箱 MD5
* MD5 of User email
mailMd5: string;
* 用户对象 ID
* User object ID
objectId: number;
* 用户身份
* User role
type: 'administrator' | 'guest';
declare const login: ({ lang, serverURL, }: BaseAPIOptions) => Promise<UserInfo & {
remember: boolean;
interface GetPageviewOptions extends BaseAPIOptions {
* 待获取页面的 path
* Path of pages
paths: string[];
* 取消请求的信号
* AbortSignal to cancel request
signal?: AbortSignal;
declare const getPageview: ({ serverURL, lang, paths, signal, }: GetPageviewOptions) => Promise<GetArticleCounterResponse>;
interface UpdatePageviewOptions extends BaseAPIOptions {
* 待更新页面的 path
* Path of pages
path: string;
declare const updatePageview: (options: UpdatePageviewOptions) => Promise<GetArticleCounterResponse>;
interface GetRecentCommentOptions extends BaseAPIOptions {
* 获取评论的数量
* Comment number to be fetched
count: number;
* 取消请求的信号
* AbortSignal to cancel request
signal?: AbortSignal;
* 用户令牌
* User token
token?: string;
interface RecentCommentData extends BaseWalineResponseComment {
* Page url where comment locales
* 评论所在页面地址
url: string;
declare const getRecentComment: ({ serverURL, lang, count, signal, token, }: GetRecentCommentOptions) => Promise<RecentCommentData[]>;
interface GetUserListOptions extends BaseAPIOptions {
* 每页个数
* Number per page
pageSize: number;
* 取消请求的信号
* AbortSignal to cancel request
signal?: AbortSignal;
interface WalineUser extends Pick<WalineComment, 'nick' | 'link' | 'avatar' | 'label' | 'level'> {
count: number;
interface GetUserListResponse extends ErrorStatusResponse {
data: WalineUser[];
declare const getUserList: ({ serverURL, signal, pageSize, lang, }: GetUserListOptions) => Promise<WalineUser[]>;
export { type AddCommentOptions, type AddCommentResponse, type BaseWalineResponseComment, type CounterFields, type DeleteCommentOptions, type DeleteCommentResponse, type GetArticleCounterOptions, type GetArticleCounterResponse, type GetArticleCounterResponseItem, type GetCommentCountOptions, type GetCommentOptions, type GetCommentResponse, type GetRecentCommentOptions, type GetUserListOptions, type GetUserListResponse, type RecentCommentData, type UpdateArticleCounterOptions, type UpdateCommentOptions, type UpdateCommentResponse, type UpdatePageviewOptions, type UserInfo, type WalineChildComment, type WalineComment, type WalineCommentData, type WalineCommentStatus, type WalineRootComment, type WalineUser, type WalineUserType, addComment, deleteComment, fetchCommentCount, getArticleCounter, getComment, getPageview, getRecentComment, getUserList, login, updateArticleCounter, updateComment, updatePageview };
友情提示:评论区仅作评论展示,如有问题咨询请去 Github Discussion 中提问。